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Revved and ready to use Drive-Thru
If it’s at Medical Arts, there are KEYS for success Vroom, vroom. From coffee, to donuts, banking and dry cleaning, we live in a drive-thru world. Do you know you can even get married in a drive-thru? It’s true, but only in Las Vegas. So if drive-thru is so common, why did Medical Arts Pharmacy pull down its […]
Remembering Rodolphe Struthers 1926 – 2016
Rodolphe Struthers was born in Cornwall, Ontario on January 9, 1926. He was the sixth child of 10 children. In October 1944 he joined the Canadian Army and served in Canada, the United Kingdom and Continental Europe until September 1946. After leaving the armed services, he returned to his former job as a delivery […]
Advancing COPD Management in LTC – The OLTCA COPD Protocol
Date/Time Wednesday May 17, 2017 – 6:30 pm Location Best Western Parkway Inn – Cornwall, ON Speakers Dr. Roger Goldstein Head of Respiratory Medicine Senior Scentist, West Park Healthcare Chris Brockington Partner & Principal Consutlant responsible for protocol development & implementation Sponsor Medical Arts Pharmacy Registration RSVP Tel: 613-932-6501 ext 238 | Fax: 613-933-0568 Documents […]
Medical Arts Pharmacy Launches First and Only Regional Ostomy E-Commerce Website
(CORNWALL) As the only pharmacy in the Eastern Ontario counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry that serves the needs of hundreds of people who live with ostomies, Medical Arts Pharmacy is today announcing its launch of the first and only regional, bilingual website where customers can order online and enjoy free delivery anywhere in Canada, […]