Except for the couple of weeks when temps might soar to risky heights, summer is generally a wonderful season for expectant moms, with lots of opportunity to stay active and enjoy fresh seasonal fruits and veggies.
But across every season, our pharmacists are always here to help.
“Help” can cover many situations during the average 40-week pregnancy. Very early on, for example, a woman might simply need advice on how choose a pregnancy test or learn why folic acid supplementation is so important for fetal development.
Yet, a pharmacist’s guidance can extend to many other scenarios from assessing what medications a woman might need to avoid, to providing guidance if a woman develops gestational diabetes. And in between these, just knowing that a pharmacist is always accessible can make a world of difference to a person who needs advice.

Take something as important as sun protection. The pharmacist can recommend ways to help prevent the brown spots and patches that affect some pregnant women’s skin.
Dehydration at any stage during pregnancy can lead to serious complications
Thus, pregnant women are encouraged to get help if they notice anything that might suggest being dehydrated. Some signs include, dry mouth, sleepiness, headache, constipation, dizziness or dark yellow urine.

Remember, dehydration can occur during summer heat waves or be caused by:
- Nausea, that might make a woman avoid drinking fluids
- Vomiting, due to morning sickness or
- Diarrhea, which causes rapid water loss
Please remember our pharmacists are always here to help.